Kishore’s Story

Kishore is from a very poor family. His father is a Tamil speaking Christian and his mother is from a scheduled caste community. There was always tension in their family regarding the rituals and religious practices they should follow.
“After the Gender Nota, I have started to understand my mother and my sister. The most important thing is that I have learnt the meaning of religion, the purpose of faith and how to understand rituals.”
At home, I now do things that only women were supposed to do in our family. The Green nota has inspired me to pursue our land documents so that one day I can practice sustainable farming. I also encourage dialogue about festivals and rituals to help my family appreciate and respect all rituals with some rationality.
After the Vruti Nota, I became aware that I need to choose my career according to my interests. I withdrew from the Commerce course, where I was unhappy, and now I am studying Law!